Thursday, October 16, 2008

Use class with addEvenListener

We used delegate or Proxy in actionscript 2.0 when we need to parse parameter to a function click or other event with button.

Now in Actionscipt 3.0 how can we do with this issues?
Ans:We will assign a new class to addEventListener and parse parameter into class method.

the Example like this.
1. Create new as file and save its name
2. Write this code
import flash.display.Sprite;
public class buttonEvent extends Sprite
var val:String;
public function buttonEvent()


public var setParam(param:String)
public function clickFn(m:MouseEvent):void
//the code When click on this button
trace(val);//Hello All Flash BadAss!
public function overFn(m:MouseEvent):void
//the code When Roll Over on this button
public function outFn(m:MouseEvent):void
//the code When Roll Out

3. on main time line add tis code
import buttonEvent;
var bt:buttonEvent = new buttonEvent();
var myBt:Button = new Button();
//and then assign any value that we need to use with the button
bt.setParam("Hello All Flash BadAss!");

Good luck!

Hudsadin keox

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